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Lesson from a Rowing Legend

Lesson from a Rowing Legend

Our rowers were recently treated to a virtual lesson from a British legend.

Staying motivated can be challenging at the best of times for any athlete, but with no competitions on the horizon just yet our rowing team have been finding new ways to stay enthused about winter training. Our committed Year 11 group have been training before school on Thursdays and have been joined for two sessions, via zoom, by none other than four times Olympic Champion Sir Matthew Pinsent!

He has given tips to find new ways to get the most out of training and finding ways to love the dreaded rowing machine. Our Year 12 and 13 groups have been training before school as well, and we’ve had feedback about the positive impact of a pre-school workout on their concentration levels in class for the rest of the school day. We know they will eventually reap the rewards of their dedication when the summer racing season comes round!

Rowing in Sleighs!

Our rowers also recently enjoyed some festive side by side racing for the final water session before the Christmas break. With Sixth Form penguins and snowmen, Y11 reindeer and Y10 elves, the crews were quite a sight to behold on the River Weaver! The Sixth Form even transformed the coaching launch into a festive sleigh.

Given the lack of racing of late, students relished the opportunity for some healthy competition between each other. For the Y10s in particular, this was the first time they have raced side by side having missed out on their first regatta season this summer.


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Lesson from a Rowing Legend