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Grange Rowers Brilliant at Bridgnorth

Grange Rowers Brilliant at Bridgnorth

The Grange School Rowing Team had a triumphant day on the River Severn at Bridgnorth Regatta, coming home with an impressive eleven wins.

With many athletes racing in more than one event, the day was a test of fitness with racing taking place from 9am and continuing until after 6pm. Conditions were challenging after heavy rainfall meant a fast flowing stream, and the addition of gusty winds meant watermanship skills were put to the test.

Grange School Rowers Show Their Bravery 

In the single sculls, Antonia Molton triumphed in the girls' J18 category, and Mia Brown won the girls J15 event comfortably as well. Special mention should go to younger members of the team who showed real bravery racing in singles for the first time with some gutsy performances.

Two double sculls won their events with Lucas Sproul and Will Jessop winning the open J14 event, and Paul Kenyon and Matt Johnston winning the open J15 event. Paul and Matt were joined by Lewis Gray, Alfie Dickens and cox Antoine Moore to take victory in the open J15 coxed quad. The J15 girls matched the victory in their quad event too, with a win for Jess Cunningham, Jemima Hasall, Olivia Harding, Ella Smith and cox Anna Smiles.

The girls were on great form in their J14 quad event with a victory for Georgina Cassidy, Ellisia Acock-Milne, Sophia Sinclair, Olivia Cawley and cox Anton Ball winning in style.

Rowing Above Their Age Groups

Age did not matter for our two coxed fours who raced above their age groups. J15 girls Megan Wall, Mia Brown, Saskia Dry, Sophia Bate and cox Ruby Mortiz-Cammack raced as J16 to win the event against older athletes. Meanwhile, the boys crew of Rory Innes, Felix Cream-Dunlop. Ben Scawn, Omar Siddiqi and cox Antoine Moore raced in the men’s open category to take the win.

The wins kept rolling in when our boys raced in the open men’s category once again to win the eights event. Well done to the crew of Ben Fry, Francis Robertson, Oliver Santini, Tom Haslam, Ben Scawn, Matthew Johnston, Paul Kenyon, Omar Siddiqi and cox Antoine Moore.

Kings and Queens of the River Severn

The final event of the day was the Severn Challenge Cup for mixed eights and even after such a long day of racing, we found the energy for one last victory to be crowned ‘Kings and Queens of the Severn’ The winning crew was Lewis Gray, Jess Cunningham, Jemima Hasall, Matthew Johnston, Olivia Harding, Omar Siddiqi, Paul Kenyon and Saskia Dry, steered home to victory by cox Antoine Moore.

Well done to all the crews who competed and huge thanks to our dedicated team of volunteer coaches. It was a long but rewarding day and we look forward to our next competition which will be for our J14 and 15 crews in Peterborough at the end of June.

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Grange Rowers Brilliant at Bridgnorth