The Grange School has always had the community at its very heart, right from its inception when a group of parents established the school.
Since then the school has offered a range of opportunities for our students to work in the local community across a diverse array of interests. We are also a member of the Schools Together group, sharing what we do and our best practice with other schools around building partnerships with communities. Our artists were involved in the establishment of the Hartford mosaic, alongside other secondary schools. More recently, our music scholars and GCSE musicians have performed at St John's Church, gaining more performance experience whilst delighting local audiences.
Our Community Action Group visit local residential homes to perform various musical and theatrical pieces alongside other volunteering - including the odd board game! The positive impression left sees many of these residential homes relish the chance to see the matinee performance of our school productions. The Grange Theatre has also hosted other schools for varying conferences and events, including Drama students who enjoy an annual workshop from Splendid Productions.
Sports Leaders travel to Winnington Park Primary School to offer regular coaching sessions, whilst developing their own leadership skills. Our Head of Outdoor Education also visits a range of local primary schools offering various outdoor activities including climbing and team building.
All of this takes place alongside a myriad of regular charitable activities. As well as individual students being supported to organise their own events, whole school highlights include our fancy dress events, Talent Show and the school's charities week. Last year students raised over £11,000 at the Senior School and over £9,000 at the Junior School for a variety of different local charities including Cardiac Risk in the Young and Cheshire Young Carers. Our students volunteer weekly taking part Riding for the Disabled sessions helping other children to rehabilitate and gain confidence.
Every year, our Sixth Form head to The Gambia, supporting our sister school, the Daryl Arkam. The project was originally established in 1998 by Paul and Vanessa Buckley, who were staff at The Grange. The project began when they visited the Kunta Kinteh School, a school without a base where teachers voluntarily taught to ensure that the poorest families received an education. Thanks to Project Gambia the Daryl Arkam School has found a permanent site; with the committed help of our students, they have completed the build of two classroom blocks and an additional classroom.
As we look to the future, we are excited about growing our links with our community, benefiting both Grange students and others.