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A key element of The Grange School experience that separates us from other schools is our dedicated and knowledgeable careers team.

We believe in supporting our students, not just when they reach Sixth Form, from the moment they start Senior School. This helps to feed our students’ ambitions and encourages them to feel confident and excited about what their futures hold after The Grange.

Careers Support at the Senior School

Careers provision at The Grange starts in Year 7.  In PSHE/Mentor lessons, students are encouraged to think about their interests and skills - as well as their potential future aspirations.  In Year 8 the students start to use a number of careers based sites to build up a picture of likely industry areas and skills based work that may interest them. Students (and their parents) from Year 9 and above are invited to a regular series of Breakfast Seminars covering a wide range of industries. Year 10 students attend the Careers room and are shown all the resources on offer and complete a 'scavenger hunt'.  During one-to-one careers interviews in Year 11, students are advised about A Level choices, apprenticeships, etc.

Careers Support at the Sixth Form

In the Sixth Form, the careers team guide students through the UCAS process, but also have specialists who can advise on a wide range of alternative pathways:

  • applying to an overseas university
  • targeting a Year in Industry
  • taking up an apprenticeship opportunity ('earn as you learn')
  • join an Insight into University programme
  • applying to read Medicine, Veterinary Science or Dentistry
  • completing an Oxbridge application

In addition, The Grange hosts a bi-annual Careers Conference with over 85 delegates. Students and parents are invited to attend this conference.

In Sixth Form