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World Book Day at The Grange

World Book Day at The Grange

An author, a dog, a book-themed woodland adventure, some brilliant costumes and competitions – it’s safe to say World Book Day was celebrated in style at The Grange.

The Senior School were lucky to have Daniel Whelan, author of the Pratchett-esque ‘Box of Demons’, come to visit. Daniel did a great job of entertaining Year 7 and 8 in the theatre, before doing a creative writing session in the Library with selected students. He was also the star of our first ever “Great Grange Reads Podcast” hosted by our brilliant Student Library Leaders – which you can listen to via the Library Firefly page. “I had a great time at The Grange School for #WBD2020. Super smart pupils kept asking so many questions that I ran out of time,” he commented on Twitter.

The Senior School also celebrated with book-themed assemblies led by Mrs Flynn, a “Read to a Dog” activity featuring the lovely Hawk (it’s safe to say he stole the show!), a “Book in a Box” competition, and then a lunchtime debate in which students and staff recommended their favourite books to be included in the Grange’s “16 Books to Read Before You Are 16”.

Over at the Junior School, Reception listened to and explored the story of Peter Rabbit before heading out to the Woodland to search for him – luckily, they found him before Mr McGregor! There was also a book fair all last week run by Mrs Price which sold just over £3350 worth of books. Children also entered a competition to design a hat for their favourite book character and the winners were able to select a book from the fair. Junior School children took time to share their favourite books and stories with one and other, read exciting extracts aloud in assembly, and produced some wonderful Potato Book Characters. What a day!

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World Book Day at The Grange