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The Show Must Go On

The Show Must Go On

In these unprecedented times, our students showed true Grange spirit to ensure the school’s production of ‘The Great Gatsby’ could take place.

As Coronavirus impacts on school life across the country, with some schools already closing, the cast and crew of The Grange’s ‘The Great Gatsby’ production were determined to still give a performance to remember for an audience to enjoy.

The show was due to run to packed out audiences at The Grange Theatre throughout this week however due to the government’s advice around mass gatherings, the decision was made to cancel the performances.

However, the cast were determined to not let their months of hard work and rehearsals go to waste and didn’t want to let their audience down. So, they put on a full show, recording the proceedings on cameras, so that audiences will be able to watch the performance back.

The students put on a show with all the glitz and glamour of the 1920s, in sparkling and dapper costumes producing performances full of pizzazz. Music and singing were also performed by students to accompany the story, really making the production come to life.  Directors of the show, Mrs Jannette Bloor and Mrs Jacqueline Hardy-Kinsella had this to say “We are so incredibly proud and overwhelmed by the positive, proactive and totally professional reaction of our amazing cast and crew to the unfortunate news that they would be unable to perform our production of ‘The Great Gatsby’ to the public this week.

Not deterred, they have rallied together to give one outstanding closed ‘performance’ today which we have been able to record for future viewing. The show may not have been able to go on but nothing can take away our wonderful memories of the last couple of days, banding together against adversity in true Grange spirit. They are all absolute superstars and we will never forget how hard they have worked and our time as a team.”

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The Show Must Go On