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Fundraising Boost with Visit from a Legend

Fundraising Boost with Visit from a Legend

In March, we welcomed Sir Ranulph Fiennes OBE to The Grange School Theatre.  

He interrupted his sell-out tour to give one of his incredible talks about his years living dangerously to help the Grange Nepal team raise money towards their upcoming expedition.

We are delighted to announce that the evening raised over £3,500 from ticket sales, a raffle and the kind donations from the audience. In 2021 the Nepal team are embarking on an expedition to the country where we will be helping repair and rebuild communities affected by the 2015 earthquake. 

With a magnitude of 7.8, it killed 9,000 people and injured a shocking 22,000. The severe damage caused cost 10 billion USD; equivalent to half of Nepal’s GDP causing families across the country to be left in poverty and in desperate need of aid. As a team, we hope to provide a small amount of support to the communities in any way we can. 

We would like to thank everyone who attended the event, the amount we raised has made a real difference to our fundraising. We would also like to thank Sir Ranulph for lending his ‘big name’ to our fundraising event, he is a true legend! 

Following on from the success of the event, in September, The Grange Theatre is privileged to be welcoming mountaineer and author Simon Yates the theatre to talk about his high-altitude career and his decision to “cut the rope”. We hope to see you there.

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Fundraising Boost with Visit from a Legend