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Jack's 27 Day Challenge

Jack's 27 Day Challenge
Alumni Charity

Former Grange student Jack Furlong is running 27 miles in 27 days to raise funds for the mental health charity Mind.

Jack, who is in his first year at university at the Academy of Live and Recorded Arts in Wigan, has found his first year away from school and under Covid-19 restrictions challenging. Distance learning means that he has still been unable to meet many of his fellow students in person.

He decided to take part in the 27/27 challenge in solidarity with the 27% of students who report mental health problems whilst studying at university. Jack said: "The number of students reporting a mental health problem is five times greater today than it was ten years ago, while the number of students dropping out because of mental health problems has trebled.

"Every student taking part in the 27/27 challenge is sending a clear message - its time to take our mental health seriously, and we won't give up until everyone who needs it gets the right support. I know people who have waited months for mental health support and it is entirely due to a lack of funding."

Jack has just two days of running left and he is close to hitting his £1,000 target. To donate you can go to:
Good luck Jack!

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Jack's 27 Day Challenge