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Grange Alumni: Where Are They Now - Kate Fleetwood

Grange Alumni: Where Are They Now - Kate Fleetwood

Lockdown has brought some challenges but also given me time to re-calibrate and get properly fit again which I feel grateful for… not being able to go out for a while gave me time to do lots of little things that I hadn’t had time to do in a normal busy life. We went on loads of walks to explore our local area and played loads of games so overall it was quite good fun!

It was quite surreal back in Spring hearing I would not be going back into the office. I work for the National Nuclear Laboratory as a Senior Commercial Officer and was on my way back from holiday when I got a text off my boss saying, “we are all WFH for the foreseeable” (and I thought it was a joke!). I have been working from home since then, which has brought challenges and opportunities. I am lucky in that I can’t do face to face meetings with most of my customers as they are based in Japan and the US so in that respect it didn’t change a lot, but I have really missed the social aspect of being in the office and lunchtime walks.

Work aside I have really missed travelling; we were lucky to get a big trip to Cambodia in at the beginning of the year but had to cancel our plans for New Year in Hong Kong. It has prompted me to explore more of the UK though, I walked the Speyside Way recently which was amazing we were so lucky with the weather and it was nice to have time away from my desk. It’s also something I don’t think I’d have got around to doing had we not have been in this scenario.

Lockdown has brought some challenges but also given me time to re-calibrate and get properly fit again which I feel grateful for… not being able to go out for a while gave me time to do lots of little things that I hadn’t had time to do in normal busy life. We went on loads of walks to explore our local area and played loads of games so overall it was quite good fun!

I have been making jewellery along side work for coming up to two years now so lockdown gave me time to really focus on that and grow the business which very recently got stocked in a shop which is up there as one of my proudest moments. I also started running again which I’ve really enjoyed and its really made me appreciate how lucky we are to be able to see friends and family so freely normally.

Going forward into the future, we are actually looking to move house which is really exciting and generally its prompted me to spend more time doing things that I love, like being outdoors, I am desperate to do the three peaks again!

My advice to Alumni is always try and find the good in a bad situation, there is always some kind of silver lining.

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Grange Alumni: Where Are They Now - Kate Fleetwood