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Award for Grange Remote Learning

Award for Grange Remote Learning
Notable School Events Other

The Grange School was recently delighted to win the Firefly Heroes of Home Learning Most Innovative Award; recognising the work of teachers regarding audio feedback given throughout remote learning. 

The awards were created to help acknowledge the work of educational institutions throughout the closure of schools. The Grange School is proud to have always looked towards innovation and keeping pace with technology. 

Thanks to our Virtual Learning Environment already being established as part of our education offering, students were able to continue lessons and studies throughout lockdown.

Mrs Masters, who utilised the audio feedback tool during lockdown, said 'This year I have used the audio note feature a lot for GCSE classes and noticed where I left an audio recording of me saying something along the lines of “well done, you’ve done really well on this. Please don’t forget to go back through the mark-scheme I’ve attached and pop some corrections onto your work” 
I had far more engagement with my feedback than if I left the same comment as text. Students suddenly started replying to me! It was also great for follow up questions to extend their thinking; an audio comment was far more likely to lead to a response from the students.'

A Level student, Evie, had this to say on how the feedback helped her; 'The audio comments are useful as they help you to maintain a relationship with your teacher that is otherwise lost when only using text. I find it much easier to understand a concept when I can hear it rather than just read about it”.

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Award for Grange Remote Learning