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Class of 2022 surpass past results to seal The Grange’s reputation for academic excellence

Class of 2022 surpass past results to seal The Grange’s reputation for academic excellence
Student Success Notable School Events

The Grange School celebrates another superb set of results today with over 70% of entries at A* or A grade. Maintaining the school’s tradition of academic excellence is particularly impressive given the period of national uncertainty that the pandemic has provided.

The Class of 2022 have risen to these challenges and those posed by their first experience of public examinations and all the staff working with them are delighted that it has yielded dividends today.

Head of Upper Sixth Form Kat Huntriss praised the students, saying “I am incredibly proud of the Class of 2022. Not only have they achieved superb examination results this year, despite the challenges of the last two years and never having sat external examinations, but they leave us as well-rounded young adults who I know will have great success in the years to come with whatever they set their mind to. They will be sorely missed by all of us here at The Grange.”

The school’s A Level students have surpassed past performances with 39% of entries at A* - almost three times the national average. Four of these A* grades belong to Madeleine Pratt who is heading to Imperial College, London to read Aeronautical Engineering. “This has always been my ambition. After I did some work experience with Airbus in Year 10 I knew which A Levels I wanted to do, even before taking GCSEs. I’m still not quite sure what the end goal will be, but I’m looking forward to university”. Typifying the school’s aim to ensure all students leave with a well-rounded education, Madeleine balanced their studies alongside assisting with the school’s Climbing Club for younger students and has been a key part of the backstage Theatre tech team for school shows and concerts.

Another student who fully embraced the school’s varied enrichment programme is Head Boy, Ed Dobbs. Ed has performed in multiple music ensembles and this year took on the role of Audrey II in the school’s production of ‘Little Shop of Horrors’ as well as playing first XV rugby. Having achieved straight As, Ed will be starting a Biomedical Sciences course at the University of Birmingham, and said “having lived through the Covid pandemic and seen the development of vaccines I thought that this would be an interesting field of study. I want to get into the business side of medical sciences. After 14 year at The Grange I’m excited to go to university, experience some new challenges and meet new people.”

Inspired by James Cracknell OBE, Deputy Head Boy Ben Scawn masterminded the school’s first 24 hour Rowing Challenge in 2021 and he and his fellow A Level students raised over £1,800 for the Liverpool Heart & Chest Hospital Charity. Always ready for a further challenge, this year Ben and the team invited students from other year groups to take part in rowing over a million metres and raising a further £3,400 for the charity. Alongside their charitable work, the rowing team amassed over 90% of their grades at A* to B. Ben will be going on to read Veterinary Science at the University of Nottingham, having achieved A*AA. “Ever since I was younger I always wanted to be a vet and I’m so relieved that I’ve finally made it to this stage so that I can now go on to do that. I have two doctors for parents but I’ll be the first vet in the family.”

The Grange has always had a strong pedigree in the Sciences and, in keeping with this, over a sixth of the year group are heading to university to study Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Science or another science-based degree. Katie Wakefield achieved all A* grades and will be heading to the University of Cambridge to read Medicine. She said, “I’ve always had an interest in Science and having done some work experience at a local doctor’s surgery and at Warrington Hospital it has fuelled my interest further.” As over 80% of all science grades are at A* to B, the class of 2022 will be well equipped for future success.

The diverse curriculum offered at The Grange fosters a love of creative subjects. With all students achieving a grade B or above in 3D, Art and Textiles, it is little surprise that 7% of this year’s cohort will be heading off to pursue this passion. Alongside the Sciences and Creative subjects, a sixth of the year group are heading off to university to pursue a degree in Accounting, Economics or Business. They are well armed for success with nearly 90% of all Business Studies and Economics grades at A* to B. Yet A Grange education provides a strong foundation for multiple future paths. The class of 2022 are no exception to this, pursuing degrees as far ranging from ‘Fashion Management’ to Law and from ‘Sport, Physical Education and Coaching Science’ to Architecture.

Jess Eddy who achieved 3 A* grades in Geography, History and Politics said, “I’m taking a gap year and will be working at a school for a year in Cambridge. I will be going on to study Geography, but I thought I’d take a year out while I decide where I’d like to go. Eventually I’d love a career in urban development or sustainability. Geography has been my favourite subject since I started here in Year 7. It’ll be sad to say goodbye to The Grange School, particularly having spent two years in Sixth Form when you’re working in smaller classes and everyone is really close to their teachers.”

Head Dr Lorraine Earps said of this year’s A Level results day, “for us it has been an absolutely fantastic morning.  It is so lovely to see our young people get the results that they deserve after a really difficult couple of years through the pandemic. They have continued to work hard, well supported by fantastic teaching and dedicated staff. Today is a day when we have really been able to celebrate a special set of results with great students who will be able to go on to do absolutely anything they want to do. We are incredibly proud of them and the way that they have approached the whole of their learning experience. They have demonstrated resilience, an outstanding attitude to learning and together with their teachers they have continued to ‘get on with it’ even though the past couple of years have been challenging for everyone.  Congratulations to all of them. They are all superstars.”

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Class of 2022 surpass past results to seal The Grange’s reputation for academic excellence