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Class of 2021 show resilience and spirit to achieve sterling results

Class of 2021 show resilience and spirit to achieve sterling results
Student Success Notable School Events

Whilst the pandemic has presented previously unimaginable obstacles to A Level students across the country, The Grange School is delighted to celebrate another sterling set of results. The class of 2021 have kept pace with previous cohorts to achieve superb A Level outcomes this summer with more students than ever heading to their first-choice university destination, despite the external pressures faced.

Head of Sixth Form Jamie Walker praised the class of 2021 for their dedicated approach. “Nationwide A Level Students have experienced disruption to their studies and uncertainties about how they are going to be assessed. We are incredibly proud of how the Grange class of 2021 have adjusted to this, showing great fortitude when fully embracing our remote learning provision during both national lockdowns and making the most of every opportunity.”

Head Girl Simar Hare achieved three A*s in Economics, Textile Design and Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) and an A in Mathematics and is now going to Edinburgh to read Economics. Simar has been at The Grange since starting in Year 7 and said, “Obviously I’m sad to be leaving as I’ve been here so long. But the school has set us up so well for University, I’m ready for it. I can’t wait. The last 18 months have been really bizarre. Not knowing how we were going to be assessed for A Levels was difficult, but we always knew that all of our assessments over the last two years were important. I want to say a massive thank you to the teaching staff here. I really couldn’t have dreamed of having anyone else support me, it’s just been amazing. I’m going to miss everyone.”

Deputy Head Boy Ewan McKenna achieved an A in Graphic Design, A in Geography an A in Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) and a B in Business and his next destination is Nottingham University to study Building Surveying. Ewan said, “I have been at The Grange School for 14 years and I have mixed emotions leaving here today as I’ve known so many of my friends and the teachers here for such a long time. The teaching staff have been amazing but it’s the end of this journey and the start of the next chapter. After University I’m hoping to follow a career in Building Surveying and I’m currently working at a summer internship with a building surveying company to get a bit of experience.”

Despite the challenges, the class of 2021 have shown typical Grange spirit in developing their wide-ranging interests outside the classroom. Two students have achieved caps for their country whilst undertaking their A Levels with both Megan Evans (Welsh Netball) and Beth Alexander (England Hockey) looking forward to the new seasons. As well as her studies, talented artist Miranda Noskiewicz was selected to feature as part of Grayson Perry’s Art Club and subsequently has had her work exhibited in Manchester Art Gallery.

As a participant in the BFI Film Academy, Matthew Whiteman worked with students from across Cheshire to produce, write and film the short film ‘The Game’, receiving an online premiere during the second lockdown. Similarly, our drama students and musicians have shown great skill in adapting to a variety of guidelines (depending upon the Covid requirements) and have delighted audiences in recorded performances and streamed events presented by school captains Justin Chan, Christian Howes, Sophie Jones and Holly McGregor-Ogden. Even after the Class of 2021 ‘left’ their dedication meant they all returned to perform in the live Summer Concert with many of them squeezing rehearsals between the Gold Duke of Edinburgh expeditions for the year group! 

Their varied interests have led to a series of exciting destinations for the Class of 2021. The Grange’s strong pedigree in the Sciences is evident with nearly one third of students choosing to read subjects related to Science (including Medicine), Mathematics or Engineering. Testimony to the strength of the creative subjects within the school, a substantial proportion of the class of 2021 will be taking their next steps towards the Arts, with courses including Acting, Graphic Design and Fashion Management. Grange students will be studying in a range of destinations from the University of Edinburgh in the north to University of Southampton in the south, studying everything from Accounting and Finance to Psychology. Many of the leaving Upper Sixth will also be viewing a future in professional careers with over a quarter of them undertaking degrees such as Accounting, Business or Architecture.  Yet for others the world of work beckons sooner as they start professional apprenticeships, thanks to the skills that a Grange education has provided.

Head Debbie Leonard said “No one set of grades should ever define a person and behind each of these results is an individual story of great resilience and spirit. We are delighted with the way every student has found their own course in the most trying of circumstances and they deserve great accolades for it. The Class of 2021 are well qualified to continue with their great success not just due to their wealth of top grades but more importantly due to their skills and talents that will stand the test of time. Their achievements put them toe to toe with our past Roburians and that is no mean feat! A huge congratulations to all of them and best wishes for the future.”

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Class of 2021 show resilience and spirit to achieve sterling results