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Rome and Sorrento 2019

Rome and Sorrento 2019
Trips Enrichment

This Easter break, the Classics Department, along with honorary Classicists, Mrs. Chaplain and Mr. Grisedale, took 39 students from Years 8 and 9 to experience the wonders of Italy.

The first two days were based in Rome where the pupils walked their way between the many treasures of the city: the Pantheon, the Spanish Steps, the Trevi Fountain, the Piazza Navona, Vatican City, from where the Pope would make his Easter Address to the world a few days later, and from there the Colosseum and Forum, taking in the many beautiful buildings along the way.

Students at the Spanish Steps

After moving on to the Sorrento base, the traveling party climbed to the top of the infamous volcano, Mount Vesuvius, where the pupils were able to get a feel for the massive scale of the eruption in 79AD. From there Pompeii itself, where we were greeted with some lovely South Italian sunshine. Alas, the sunshine decided not to stay for our last day, when the pupils had some downtime in beautiful Sorrento to wend their way through the quaint, narrow, shop-filled streets and sample some Italian cuisine if they wished.

Head of Classics, Mr. Challinor commented: “It was a wonderful trip and the children drew many compliments from locals on their excellent behaviour, which was fantastic to hear. We hope that they have been given a good introduction to this wonderful country, which is bursting with history and culture. They all threw a coin in the Trevi fountain, so they are bound by fate to return! Valete!”

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Rome and Sorrento 2019