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Legally Blonde Rehearsals in Full Swing

Legally Blonde Rehearsals in Full Swing
Music and Drama Performances Enrichment

With barely a month to go before the curtain falls on ‘Legally Blonde’, The Grange’s next sure-to-be spectacular production, preparations are now moving into high gear.

The musical production will grace the school’s theatre between 20th and 23rd March and tickets are already selling fast! Jack Furlong, of 12KAH, gives us an update on how rehearsals have been going:

Poster for Legally Blonde

“Sunday 3rd February marked the second Sunday in which the entire cast of ‘Legally Blonde’ came into school for a music rehearsal. The day began at 10:00 and finished at 17:00 after refining and polishing six of the nineteen numbers that this demanding show has to offer. These songs were the biggest that the show contains. ‘Blood in the Water,’ ‘Whipped Into Shape,’ ‘So Much Better,’ ‘Bend and Snap,’ ‘Legally Blonde (Remix),’ and ‘There! Right There!’ all led by our enormously talented Director of Music, Mr. Greenwood.

“The day began with Professor Callahan’s famously eerie song ‘Blood in the Water’ which involved an obscene amount of ‘mmm-ing’ and ‘ooo-ing’, helping to enhance the creepy introduction of this strange and peculiar character. Having made quick work of this number, the casts’ energy needed to be transformed to an upbeat, energetic performance for the extremely lively rendition of ‘Whipped into Shape’ in which almost all of the song is performed whilst skipping! After a quick break, this energy could not be neglected as the casts’ voices needed to be as powerful as possible to support ‘Elle’ in her biggest song: ‘So Much Better’. By this point, the boys had already been cracking out a number of top F’s, but it wasn’t going to get any easier as it was now time for ‘Bend and Snap’. This song marks the turning point in Paulette’s love life and Mr. Greenwood did a brilliant job in building the casts’ excitement throughout the number. The ‘Legally Blonde (Remix)’ is a song that is very well known by the cast, due to the numerous times they have heard it when practising the dance which accompanies it. This number took no time at all and it was finally time for the most comedic song in the whole show ‘There! Right There!’ which made for an extremely enjoyable end to the day.

“With all the casts hard work, it’s no wonder that tickets are selling fast and that the Saturday evening performance is nearly sold out, so be sure to book your tickets so you don’t miss out on what is sure to be a truly amazing performance!”

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Legally Blonde Rehearsals in Full Swing