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Fantastic results for our GCSE students

Fantastic results for our GCSE students
Student Success

GCSE Results Day brought further celebrations at The Grange as two thirds of all entries were at grades 7-9. Such high academic standards characterise a Grange education but even then, these results better last year’s excellent performance.

Head Lorraine Earps said ‘This is a remarkable set of results from this year group. They have always had a great enthusiasm for school life but as GCSE examinations approached, they showed notable dedication. I am so pleased these efforts have yielded dividends for them today. We are proud of every one of them today and I know that their results will provide them a springboard for future success, whatever they put their mind to.’

Amongst the highfliers is Shlok Ramakrishnan who achieved a clean sweep of top grades (9), including one in Further Mathematics. When asked about his advice for the incoming Year 10s he said “study hard right from the start, don’t wait until close to exams. For me I’m really pleased and a little surprised with the 9 in Further Maths but that shows the hard work paid off.” Shlok is looking forward to studying Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Further Mathematics at A Level. With a fifth of all entries at The Grange being awarded grade 9, Shlok is one of many students pocketing top grades in the GCSE class of 2024.

Alongside his host of grade 9s, Rory O’Keefe also has further cause for cheer as he achieved full marks in his GCSE Mathematics. This is a great platform for his study of A Level Mathematics and Further Mathematics, alongside Chemistry and Physics. “I’m especially happy with some of my grades. My 9 in Geography was a nice surprise and I’m proud of the 7 in Spanish as I have dyslexia. I’ve had so much support here since starting in Year 7.”

Reflecting the school’s excellent pedigree in the creative arts, with over a third at grade 8s and 9. Amongst those, Laurel McCarthy achieved the perfect mark in GCSE Textiles. “I’ve been at The Grange since Year 2 and have loved the atmosphere here, and sense of community. I think I’m the first person to study Art, Textiles and Graphics at the same time for GCSE as they are really coursework-heavy subjects, so to get a 9 in all three feels great.” Unsurprisingly Laurel is looking to pursue creative subjects in her future!

Head of Year Kelly Smith commented ‘This year group have overcome many challenges, both personal and those related to starting secondary school during the COVID-19 pandemic. The GCSE class of 2024 have shown great determination and resilience to approach these examinations. I could not be prouder of their performance today’.

As part of the holistic education at The Grange, many students have thrived when supplementing their studies with a vast array of enrichment choices. Joe Eglin has excelled in the sporting arena, being part of the Stoke City football academy whilst studying for his GCSEs. “I’m buzzing. Studying alongside my football commitments has been very hard work, having to catch up on studies in the evenings and at weekends. The secret is making sure you plan in some downtime too, pace it and take breaks. Some of my favourite memories are the times when I’ve got to play football with my friends at school, being able to enjoy that together. Joe is staying at The Grange Sixth Form to study Biology, Economics and Psychology having achieved an excellent set of results.

Part of the journey has been learning where their own passions and interests lie for their next steps. A third of the year group will study A Levels in Mathematics or Sciences and a third will study the Humanities at Sixth Form. Zeta Mackfall will span both disciplines by combining Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Business and Economics. ”I was not expecting the 9 in Further Maths,” admitted Zeta “After A levels, I’m hoping to go on to Uni and study something Maths or Economics based. But first I’m off to Leeds Festival to celebrate” Yet the flexibility of a choice offered by a Grange curriculum means that there are many different combinations being pursued by the GCSE class of 2024.

Head of Sixth Form Kat Huntriss commented ‘We are excited to welcome the future class of 2026 into the Sixth Form. Whilst we know their dedication will see them follow in the footsteps of past students and achieve superbly at A Level, we are also looking forward to the wider contribution that they will make. With such an array of talent, whether that be intellectual, sporting, creative or performing, the future is certainly bright.’

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Fantastic results for our GCSE students