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Students celebrate stellar A level results

Students celebrate stellar A level results
Student Success

There was great cause for celebration this morning as The Grange class of 2024 excelled with another set of stunning A Level results. A quarter of all A Level entries were achieved at A* standard, surpassing the achievements of past cohorts. Alongside these top grades, there was more widespread success with 82% of all entries at grades A* to B, more than keeping step with past cohorts to maintain The Grange’s tradition of academic excellence.

Whilst a former Grange family celebrated Olympic rowing success two weeks ago, it was the turn of the Hildred family to celebrate impressive academic achievements this morning. Head of School Zoe Hildred achieved 3A*s in English Literature, French and History and will go on to read History at the University of Oxford. “It feels a long time ago since sitting the exams, you’re never absolutely sure of the outcome, but I’m really happy with my results.”

Also Head of School, Max Hildred achieved 4A*s in Economics, Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Music. “I’m so pleased with my results, my parents are very proud too, dad had a tear in his eye this morning” shared Max. Max will go to read Natural Sciences with a view of specialising in Economics at the University of Durham

Head of Year, Kat Huntriss said ‘The Class of 2024 joined The Grange Sixth Form with strong GCSE results and to go beyond this and add extra value at A Level is superb. There are so many individual success stories here and they all deserve great credit for the hard work and dedication that they have shown in their Sixth Form career. This is possible thanks to the support they have had from Grange staff and their families along the way’.

The class of 2024 have made the most of every enrichment opportunity on offer at The Grange. In keeping with his role, Head of Enrichment Theo Innes has performed in a variety of musical ensembles whilst supplementing his studies with Prime Minister’s Question and PPE Discussion Group. As part of Model United Nations, Theo acted as Vice President for The Grange’s MUN Conference ‘Good Cop, Bad Cop’ with a focus on climate change. “I remember in Yr 4 our teacher, Mr Evans, told us to look around at our classmates and he said that ‘years from now you’ll be opening your A level results alongside them’. I didn’t believe it at the time but here we are and I’m very happy.  I’m really pleased for my friend Remi (Livesey) who is also off to Cambridge” said Theo.  Theo achieved 3 A*s and will go on to read History and Politics at Selwyn College at the University of Cambridge.

Heading up the MUN Conference as President, Remi Livesey also excelled across musical and sporting enrichment. Most notably, Remi represented Cheshire in the ESAA English Schools’ Championships in July to achieve 2nd place in the javelin. Head of School Remi achieved 3 A*s and an A and will go on to read Medicine at Sydney Sussex College at the University of Cambridge. “I got the grades I needed and I’m very happy. It is a long course ahead of me with a lot to learn, but my experience in volunteering at my local hospital in Macclesfield has helped me prepare. I don’t have a lot planned for the rest of the day, I didn’t want to tempt fate, it will be quite spontaneous” laughed Remi.

Isaac Short was also heavily involved in the MUN conference, acting as chair for the debates. Further to his own impressive musical and sporting pursuits, Isaac has offered peer support to younger students and set up the first dedicated Percussion ensemble at the school.  Isaac achieved A* and 3 As and will go on to read Computer Science at the University of Durham. “I was a bit nervous this morning but I’m over the moon with my results. I’m hoping to go into video games or AI. I have been at The Grange for 14 years so it is quite an emotional day” admitted Isaac.

Mirroring this, the cohort has characterised their time at The Grange with a wholehearted approach to helping others. In January they raised over £3,500 for Liverpool Heart & Chest Hospital Charity by organising and participating in a 24 hour row. Further to this, a quarter of the year group visited The Gambia and The Grange’s sister school, the Darul Arkam School. As part of Project Gambia, the group fundraised to be able to repaint classrooms, deliver lessons and supported local community projects. There is further cause for celebration as over two thirds of every grade achieved by the Project Gambia team were at A* or A.

Making the most of the opportunities a Grange education provides has opened doors to a variety of destinations. The class of 2024 has upheld The Grange’s strong academic tradition in the sciences with more than half of all grades at A* or A. Over a sixth of the year group will head onto to science-related courses at university including medicine, veterinary science and dentistry. Mary Fearnside will read Physics with Astrophysics at the University of Manchester having achieved A*AA. “I felt quite confident about my results and I’m excited to be heading off to start my degree in Manchester. We are planning on having a family picnic to celebrate but the weather may have other ideas” said Mary.

Head of School, Sam Thorne will read Aerospace Engineering at the University of Sheffield having achieved 3As and a B. “It’s that childhood obsession that never really went away and it keeps my ambitions of becoming an astronaut alive. Before the results it was just a case of fingers crossed, but now I know I’m going to university I’m elated. It’s a leap into the unknown" Sam commented.

Economics, Business and Management is another popular choice with one in seven of students pursuing a university course related to these areas, with over two thirds of entries at A* or A in these subjects. Amongst those savouring results day is Head of Internal Relations Ben Brocklebank. “These results today are a big relief. I didn’t quite achieve the GCSE results I would have liked and so the three A*s today really make up for that. I’m looking forward to starting a new phase of my life in Leeds studying Business Management”

Yet the diversity of a Grange education allows students to explore their own passions and interests and find their own path for the future. Olivia Lunt is choosing to pursue her love of Drama and Theatre at the University of Warwick having achieved A*AA. “I wasn’t expecting to do so well, I feel happy and proud and pleased the hard work paid off. I only joined The Grange School at the start of Year 12 but I was made very welcome and everyone was so helpful in helping me to fit in” explained Olivia.

Amongst those following their individual passions is Head of Marketing, Dominic Webster who has successfully secured a much sought after L’Oreal Degree Apprenticeship. “It is a three-year course combing work four days of the week and study on a Friday at the University of West London. I will be working in Category Management and my degree will be business-based. I’m very excited to start at L’Oreal” said Dominic.

Executive Head Dr Lorraine Earps said ‘The class of 2024 have lived the school values in their time at The Grange and their open-hearted and welcoming nature has made them Roburians that we are incredibly proud of. Every result today is testimony to their academic ability and hard work. With their can-do attitude, I know that they have bright futures ahead – whether that be at the university or in the world of work. With a huge array of destinations – from Durham to Imperial, Bath to Newcastle, I am looking forward to hearing how they get on’.

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Students celebrate stellar A level results