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Students Inspire with GCSE Results

Students Inspire with GCSE Results
Student Success

Whatever the challenges presented by the educational landscape, Grange students continue to reach the very top grades. 

Well over two-fifths of The Grange School’s GCSE entries were graded 8 or 9, the top grades available, meaning there is plenty for students to celebrate. Even more so when the school achieved over three times the national average for those GCSEs achieving grades 7-9.

Following on from last week’s A Level success, The Grange maintained its pedigree in the Sciences with 75% of all entries graded at 7, 8  or 9, with the Chemistry department achieving almost a third of all grades at 9 (the highest grade possible). Not to be outdone and in line with last week’s success, Humanities subjects continued to impress with 20% of GCSE students achieving a grade 9. Leading the way was Religious Studies with nearly half of students achieving a grade 9, closely followed by History with over two-fifths of grades at 8 or 9.  It was also another stunning performance by the Creative Arts as 83% of Art and Textile students and nearly 9 out of 10 Graphic Design students achieved a 7, 8 or 9.  All Grange artists surpassed expectations by more than a grade with their technical skills in great evidence at May’s GCSE showcase, giving them experience of a real-world creative environment.

Three Grange students, out of only 837 in the country, achieved seven or more Grade 9s. One of those was Michael Hennessey who achieved outstanding results with seven grade 9s and two grade 8s. As well as upkeeping the Grange tradition of academic excellence, our GCSE students have done so whilst making the most of the huge variety of enrichment opportunities, a key feature of a Grange education. Audience members who enjoyed impressive sell-out performances of Legally Blonde in The Grange Theatre will be delighted to hear that the cast and crew of the feel-good shows are celebrating superb GCSE results; with two-thirds of their grades at 7, 8 or 9. In a similar vein, The Grange’s musicians have been busy with 16 concerts across the year but still maintained equally high standards in the classroom with 56% of their entries at grade 8 or 9. One of many musicians receiving impressive results is Justin Chan, a member of our critically acclaimed Big Band ensemble, who has achieved five grade 9s, three grade 8s and a 7.

Above: Some of the Legally Blonde Cast

In the sporting arena, netballer Megan Evans is a member of the Super League Academy for Loughborough Lightning and was a silver medallist whilst representing Wales at U17 level in the Netball Europe Championships in March. Today she celebrates outstanding results, having achieved five grade 9s and four grade 8s and has been invited to train with the Wales U21 squad later this year. Similarly, Kate Tranter has represented Team Wales and been part of the UK U16 squad for polocrosse, whilst studying for her GCSEs, amassed an impressive haul of seven grade 9s and two grade 8s. Another sportswoman Evie Tipping, U17 Cheshire Champion for the Hammer and Discus and Cheshire Lacrosse player, also has cause to celebrate having achieved three grade 9s, five grade 8s and a grade 7.

The Grange always has the community at its heart and a number of students have enriched their studies by contributing to community and charity projects. Seven of our Year 11 students (Holly Radford, Michael Adlem, James Mayers, Ben Kelly, Sonny Reeves, Joe Ganczarski and Naomi Hill) should be particularly proud of their efforts. Participating in the National Citizen Service group, the students have been working around the Northwich area. Their group have raised over £750 for Claire House Children’s Hospice and Action for Children, litter picking, supporting local community garden Grozone and completing a 15 mile sponsored walk. Such hard work has also yielded dividends in the examination hall as the group amassed an impressive haul of results, including 72% at grade 7, 8 or 9. In this community spirit but further afield, 20 of the year group will head to The Grange’s sister school of Darul Arkam School in The Gambia in 2020. With almost a quarter of their results at grade 9. Such dedication bodes well for the continuing success of the project.

Head, Debbie Leonard commented “This is only the second set of results under the newly reformed GCSEs and I have been delighted with the way this year group have navigated the uncertainties and challenges. This is a strong set of results and I am pleased that the efforts of our students have yielded dividends. Yet behind the statistics, there are a huge array of individual success stories, supported by our dedicated staff. Many students have showcased true Grange spirit to achieve their best today and we are very proud of them”.

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