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Podium Finishes at the Physics Olympics

Podium Finishes at the Physics Olympics
Student Success Extra-Curricular

Pupils in Year 8 and 9 have recently been competing in Physics Olympics events where they tested their abilities against high calibre teams from other schools.

Eight students from Year 9 travelled to King’s Chester to compete in the Year 9 Physics Olympics. There were some great successes from the day, including a number of podium finishes; most notably in the mathematically demanding Fermi Quiz in which they came third, in the adrenaline-fuelled rocket task they managed another third place, and there was similar success in the computer coding challenge.

The Grange also sent a team to the Year 8 Physics Olympics, which was held at St Peter’s School in York. The team competed against 28 schools from the North of England across six different tasks. The students approached each of the tasks with great enthusiasm and lots of Physics nous. Highlights of the day including winning the Crumple Zone task which involved designing a crash safety device to reduce the forces involved in a simulated car crash, and finishing third in the prestigious Fermi Quiz and the Pendulum task. Adding up all the scores from the day the students finished in the bronze medal position, an excellent achievement given the calibre of this year’s competitors.

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Podium Finishes at the Physics Olympics