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Rowing in Italy

Rowing in Italy
Roburian Alumni Other

A group of 18 Rowing Club members spent a week of the Easter holiday on a training camp in Italy where they pushed themselves through a series of intense training sessions.

The days started at 6.45 a.m. as the rowers headed out to the lake to complete two sessions out on the water before lunch at 1 p.m., this was followed by a study session or some down time before heading out again at 4.30 p.m. to fit in a final session before dinner. The routine was repeated throughout the week with the rowers quickly realising that their ‘downtime’ was vital to making sure that they were energised and ready to go again for the next session.

During the week, the boys spent time ‘seat-racing’ for top crews whilst the girls focused on their four, improving and practicing their racing strategies. One of the biggest challenges for all the students was their post-session care as they very quickly realised how much they were asking of their bodies due to the intensity of each session.

Overall, the experience was extremely worthwhile for all the rowers as they all fine-tuned their skills and pushed themselves through a variety of challenges both on and off the water.

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Rowing in Italy