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World Book Day 2018

World Book Day 2018
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Thursday 1st March marked World Book Day, an international festival of books, reading and libraries, that was marked in style across the Junior and Senior parts of the school.

Activities in the Senior School included a magical Harry Potter themed lunch in the canteen (a good excuse for teachers to swish about in their academic gowns!), reading related quizzes, a hunt the golden ticket challenge, a book mixtape competition which provided the playlist for music in the Library (shock, horror!), and a very enthusiastically attended “shelfie” booth in which pupils and staff alike posed with their favourite books and often in fancy dress.

Meanwhile, at the Junior School, hundreds of books have been flying off the shelves all week thanks to Mrs Price’s ever popular book fair, Reception children enjoyed story time with parents, there was a World Book Day scavenger hunt, and a wonderful array of entries into the bookmark competition.

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World Book Day 2018