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The Phantom of the Opera

The Phantom of the Opera
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There have been no shortage of remarkable dramatic performances in The Grange Theatre over the 40 year history of the school, but the production of The Phantom of the Opera was truly special.

From the opening crack of the auctioneer’s hammer, and the assured way that Alex Baldry delivered the introductory lines, it was clear that the audience was in for a treat. There were fantastic performances everywhere one looked and the standard of theatrical singing was astonishingly high.

Sophie Akka displayed her amazing vocal range in the role of Carlotta Guidicelli, Maisie Tipping was similarly excellent as Christine, Will Prior created a brooding Phantom, Toby Holmes gave a tremendous performance in the role of Raoul, Jack Furlong and Cameron Browne teased out the comedy in the roles of the theatre owners, Toby Abbot, Kirsty Nolan and many others all provided fantastic performances!

Mr Greenwood’s musicians were not to be outdone as they worked their way through a huge range of challenging musical styles and a score filled with memorable songs such as “The Music of the Night”, “Masquerade” and “All I Ask of You”.

The show was directed by Mrs Bloor and Mrs Sunners who worked tirelessly to ensure that it reached the heights it did, whilst Mr Edwards and his backstage crew worked wonders to ensure the technical aspects of the production seamlessly underpinned the on-stage magic.

With a cast, orchestra and crew of over seventy pupils, a host of staff lending their expertise, a magnificent set and sumptuous costumes, it was a production of epic proportions; everyone involved deserves enormous credit.

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The Phantom of the Opera