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Victorian Experience at Dunham Massey

Victorian Experience at Dunham Massey
Trips / Visits into School Other

Year 1 took a trip back to the Victorian times this week with an exciting visit to Dunham Massey.

After a short coach trip, the children were raring to go and couldn’t wait to get involved in the different activities to discover more about Victorian life at the beautiful estate. Whilst some swapped school uniforms for servant’s clothing and learnt how to wash laundry and polish cutlery, others became detectives and looked for clues to catch the mystery poacher for the gamekeeper.

“It was a wonderful day and Year 1 really enjoyed learning about the roles of the people that worked in and around the grand house, as well as exploring and using some very old fashioned equipment!” said Year 1 Teacher, Mrs Brown.

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Victorian Experience at Dunham Massey