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Who Let the Gods Out? A review

Who Let the Gods Out? A review

Annabelle, one of our Year 7 Reading Champions, submitted this brilliant review of 'Who Let the Gods Out?' by Maz Evans. #GreatGrangeReads

Poor Elliot is having a very tough time.  His mum is poorly, they have serious money problems, a devilishly devious interfering neighbour and school is quite simply a complete nightmare!  So the last thing Elliot needs is for a conceited constellation to crash land smack-bang in the middle of his cowshed.  Suddenly, feisty, fearless Virgo enters his life with ‘a damp, loud splat.’  Together they manage to set free a dangerous and incredibly evil Daemon of Death and before long it is down to Elliot to save the world.  As if he didn’t have enough on his plate!

This book is laugh out loud hilarious and I just adored each and every character.  Elliot is brave and good-hearted and going through such a hard time. The Gods were hilarious and I love how Maz has made them so quirky, fallible and bang up to date. There is also a rather special appearance from her Majesty the Queen that was quite simply magnificent. Who Let The Gods Out is the first in a four-part series and I for one am very excited to see what happens next for Elliot and his new friends.

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