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Joining The Grange Senior School: Thoughts from Year 7

Joining The Grange Senior School: Thoughts from Year 7
Student Voice

It is a month since our new Year 7 students joined the Senior School, they have settled in quickly to Grange Life and are taking all the challenges in their stride. One form group, 7JEM, give their thoughts on what it has been like so far...

Thoughts from Year 7 Students

“I have really enjoyed my start to Senior School life because I love the independence and freedom. Everyone is really kind and friendly. I think it is great walking to school with my friends. The school lunches are great and very tasty.” – Ben

"I found the first few days of Year 7 very exciting as the Senior School is so different from Juniors. All of the teachers were very clear about what to do and what not to do. I have already made a few new friends. Overall, the first few days have been very exhilarating and I look forward to carrying on at The Grange" - James

"I like having to walk around to find your classes although it is quite tricky! I love how everyone is willing to help with finding classes and finding teachers. The food is really good, I like how there is lots of variety and choice." - Alice P

"My first day was excellent, all of the teachers are so helpful and nice. Mrs Masters is the best teacher I have ever had, the lunch is amazing. We also had the biggest game of football, after an amazing pepperoni panini, we played all of the Year 11 boys vs all of the Year 7 boys." - Oscar

“The first few days here have been amazing! Everybody is so welcoming and friendly. The school has a great atmosphere because everybody respects each other and have very positive attitudes towards school life. I am amazed at the number of new opportunities that are on offer to me and I can’t wait to take part in all of the clubs. I know I have only been here for a few days but it feels like I have been here for years.”  – Rachel

“I was very excited but also nervous on Monday morning, my biggest worry was getting lost. Mrs Masters has been amazing at helping me settle into the Senior School, she always knows the right thing to say. I feel more comfortable in school now, I can’t wait to throw myself into Senior School and “live my education”. I know I’m going to have the best time here and make friends for life.” Alice T

"My first days were great. I had fun in all my lessons and I particularly like Science. All of the teachers and students are really nice and have helped me settle in." - Olive

"I was scared at the start and I thought I would get lost. But I feel like I fit in well and I won't get lost because people will help me." - Edward

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Joining The Grange Senior School: Thoughts from Year 7