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Living Their Education Blog - Bree

Living Their Education Blog - Bree
Student Voice

This month, Head Girl, Bree Livesy, reflects on how the Grange has helped her year group grow as individuals.

Every Upper Sixth pupil spends a significant amount of time looking to the future – the university application process certainly ensures that! However, it is also a time to reflect on the past. As Heads of School, Will and I, along with our deputies, publish a Year Book including, for everyone in the Upper Sixth, little gems of their Grange Life: ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos, special memories, amusing tales, highlights, lowlights and the odd embarrassing moment. 

This process has not only made me reminisce on the ups and downs of the last fourteen years but has also drawn to my attention that each and every member of the Upper Sixth has their own unique Grange story. We are individuals with very different personalities and a huge range of interests. I often think how there can be so many diverse stories in one school?    

At one level, the answer is simple: The Grange is a busy place. Life outside the classroom is very active, there are so many extra-curricular activities, everyone finds something they are interested in, everyone finds their niche. The Grange does so much more than present an array of opportunities which pupils duly take. Every opportunity oozes passion and energy. Whether passion from a conductor in music or energy from a coach on the sports field – whatever the source - it is infectious and students catch the bug! 

I probably shouldn’t be surprised that each member of the Upper Sixth has their own unique Grange story they’re proud of; we have all written our own stories and lived them to the full.  

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Living Their Education Blog - Bree